Gothic Art

Some of the most valuable early artwork comes from a point of time before the Renaissance had begun, and going on through the early Middle Ages, referred to as the period of Gothic art. During this particular time in history, the artwork took on telling narrative stories through pictures, and many of these pieces were […]

Common Mistakes In Watercolour Drawing You Should Avoid

birds eye view of a flying bird over a large body of water

Almost all artists learned first and then studied later. From the greatest to the least, every one of them practised and learned with very little guidance if any. Along the way though, without exception, mistakes are made and as realization ultimately comes, are corrected. The following is a compilation of the most common mistakes in […]

Mixing Colors

orange and green leaves on white wall

Watercolour out of the tube or the pan is at its full paintable strength. Seldom will it be used in that manner except when the design calls for it? However, the use of full-strength colour is by large discouraged due to bronzing when watercolour is applied to the paper dries. Diluting and mixing colour pigments […]

Why Paintings of Food and Wine

stainless steel fork and spoon on white table cloth

I’ve been buying paintings of food and wine to resell to restaurants. I make a good profit doing this. I have a real talent for matching the painting of food and wine to the restaurant that should hang it in their dining room. I have purchased over one hundred paintings so far and I’ve sold […]

My Love for Asian Botanical Paintings

I have a love for Asian botanical paintings. I’ve been seeking them out for a long time. I have many in my collection and love each and every one of them. The first Asian botanical painting that I bought was Vietnamese. It was one of a series of twelve paintings that I bought that was […]

My Experience with Modern Oil Paintings

I have been buying modern oil paintings for a show in my gallery. I have found many nice pieces. I found a painting called Village in winter in a private collection in Illinois. The artist was Fern Isabel Coppedge and she was an American. I liked the piece because of the snowy scene. It reminded […]

Why I Like Kid’s Art Paintings

flat lay photography of paintings

Kid’s art paintings are fun to look at. They bring me good feelings. I have had a lot of jobs in the last couple of years buying children’s art to hang in various places. I have enjoyed every single job. I bought two children’s art posters for the children’s hospital to hang in one of […]

What Do You Know About Cubism Art?

red blue and yellow round illustration

What started out as a rather avant-garde art movement has become one of the greatest examples of artistic forms breaking that mould of convention, revolutionizing European painting and sculpture up to the present century, and was first developed between 1908 and 1912 during a collaboration between Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso with influences from the […]

Impressionist Cityscapes

green and red abstract painting

I have been looking for impressionist cityscapes in various mediums to decorate my home. I prefer to hang art that was created in the last fifteen years. There are so many great artists to choose from. I have decided that I want to have three impressionist cityscapes painted in acrylic. I will be buying one […]

Understanding The Basics of Watercolour

Whether a natural artist or not, there are always rules to follow first. Mastery of the rules allows us to break them with wonderful results but that will come later. It all starts with the basics. In watercolour as with any other discipline, there are several techniques to be learned first. Mastering the techniques will […]